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MCEC Scholar Award
Scholarship Application for Massachusetts Students Studying Special Education
Application period closes October 1, 2020 at 11:59 PM EST
Description of the MCEC Scholars Program
The MCEC Scholars Program is a scholarship program designed to provide support for an in-service or pre-service teacher pursuing a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in special education. One scholarship is awarded per year to a teacher or teacher candidate with the potential to have positive impacts on students with disabilities in the state of Massachusetts. Applicants will be notified in November and will receive recognition at the MCEC November 2020 conference.
Award Amount: $1,000 USD
Application Deadline: Oct 1, 2020
Applicant must be currently enrolled and in good standing in a Bachelor’s or Master’s program leading to a degree in special education with a minimum GPA of 3.5.
Applicant must hold a Massachusetts license or be pursuing a license in a degree program.
Applicant must be a member of MCEC in good standing.
Applicant must be a resident of Massachusetts.
Recipient will, at the invitation of the MCEC Board, attend and speak at an MCEC event or meeting.
Recipient will maintain their membership in good standing for two years (2021-2023) following receipt of the scholarship.
Indicates required field
CEC Member ID
MCEC Student Chapter Number
College or University
Phone Number
What degree are you seeking?
Expected date of completion
Current GPA
Please attach a copy of your transcript (unofficial is acceptable) below.
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Max file size: 20MB
Please refer to our
Mission and Vision
prior to completing this section. Upload your responses for each question as a PDF, and be sureyour name and CEC member number appear on each page. Please include page numbers for multi-page documents.
1. Describe your commitment to the field of special education, including a brief description of your philosophy of teaching and future professional goals. (1000 word limit)
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Max file size: 20MB
2. How will this scholarship contribute to your progress as a special education professional? (300 word limit)
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Max file size: 20MB
Please provide the names and contact information for two individuals who are aware of your academic and/or professional work and will submit a letter of recommendation for you. Recommendations should speak to your academic performance, potential for success in the field, and commitment to community. Upload your recommendations below. We will follow up directly with recommenders.
Recommender #1 name and e-mail address
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Max file size: 20MB
Recommender #2 name and e-mail address
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Max file size: 20MB